In an ideal world, buffers of 60 ft would exist on both sides of a fish bearing stream in which chemicals of any sort would not be applied, and although not entirely common in Polk County, a 300 ft buffer would exist for aerial spraying. The county was originally named the Champooick District, after Champoeg, a meeting. The county seat is Salem, which is also the state capital of Oregon. Notes from the meeting were included in the agenda package. Yamhill County Commissioner Casey Kulla and Mike Jaffe attended the meeting. representatives was held on February 27, 2021. Mike Jaffe announced that the first meeting of the OBPAC with ACT. The population was 315,335 at the 2010 census, making it the fifth-most populous county in Oregon. Oregon Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (OBAC) ACT Meeting. One of the easiest and most effective ways to "do your part" in terms of helping native fish, is to establish and maintain streamside/riparain buffers, and in particular, to be extremely cognizant and judicious in your use of any chemical (herbicide, pesticide, insecticide, etc.) near a body of water, whether it is designate fish bearing or not. Marion County is one of the 36 counties in the U.S. While a large majority of these issues can only be addressed through acts of state or federal law, land owners and managers throughout Polk County can take several steps to do their part, to help preserve and protect the various legacy fish species that inhabit our water. DISCLAIMER: Polk County, makes no representation or warranties, express or implied. Create custom web map applications using ArcGIS online with added developer. Forever a long standing symbol of the Pacific Northwest, salmonids and other anadramous fish are undoubtedly and unquestionably in peril due to a wide variety of factors ranging from general warming trends in the ocean, and excessive predation at various movement barriers (Willamette Falls,etc.). Look at Polk County, Tennessee, United States from different perspectives. Welcome to Polk Countys GIS Public Map Service. Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Area438 connections.